Product List

Automobile parts
Auto manuals
Auto shop equipment
Auto test equipment and tools
Auto transmissions
Heat Exchangers and spare parts
Cylinder Heads and spare parts
Engine parts
Air Compressors and spare parts
Air Conditioning
Air Moving
Air Treatment
Cleaning Supplies and Equipment
Communications Equipment
Cutting Tools
Our parent company, Wilkinson Motor Casting Repair (WMCR), was founded in 1945. WMCR remanufactures cylinder heads, heat exchangers, and diesel engines. In the mid 1980's, WMCR began procuring automobile parts and industrial supplies/equipment for American diplomatic posts overseas.

Today, Wilkinson International Supply (WIS) continues that service. WIS was created in early 1999 in order to better meet the specific needs of our overseas customers - both government and private sector.

Our goal is to match people and products efficiently and cost effectively. We work hard to be timely and customer friendly in all of our activities. And we always want to hear how we can better serve our customers. We want to gain your confidence as well as your business. If we can do anything to more closely match your needs, we will be happy to oblige.

So, give us a try and let us be your world-class international supplier.

Product List (cont.)

Electric Controls
Electric Motors and Generators
Electrical Supplies
Hand Tools
Material Handling
Outdoor Equipment
Paint and Painting Supplies
Power Transmission
Safety Equipment
Storage Equipment
Test Instruments
Scott Wilkinson